Model in Mathematica
Model in Mathematica
Model in Solidworks
Model in Solidworks
Fabricated Boat
Fabricated Boat
Project Brief
My team, consisting of Richard Gao, David Tarazi, and I, created the boat, FAST CAR NASCAR, which had a final angle of vanishing stability of 145 degrees and a velocity of 1.1 m/s. This was achieved by first solely modeling the boat in Mathematica using multivariable calculus and physics to create a model of how the boat rest in water and its righting moment created by the ballast. This means we had no instances to test our assumptions of the boat and had to focus on creating a realistic representation of the boat in our calculations. The pictures below from left to right show the 3D surface defining the boat's hull in Mathematica, the supporting fiberboard structure in Solidworks, and finally the fully constructed boat.